
FP bonus for DFO

Dear fans of neople i would like you to all hear my request DFO Gold

Selfish desire requests that you share because my priest bae needs help and #basedneople is granting us free exp for like 10 seconds or more of your time. pls deliver. Any chance we can get an ETA on those Missing Alpha Tickets being processed? I've been holding off playing due to potentially conflicting their restore for having logged into a newly created character but there hasn't been any movement on any Alpha Character tickets that I'm aware of. I'd really like to play with at least my old character names if they can't be restored before Beta-1 ends. So can I upload videos to YouTube even tho I'm partnered? You guys started burning event early... most people burned their fp today already... okay...

Hey fighters, I made a list of suggestions that can maybe help the game to buy DFO Gold and get better, what do you think about it?
In short, the suggestions I gave were:
Boss room free of FP for regular parties
Guild-only grounds/private guild houses
A list of the people you got a /w or you sent a /w until close of the game
A poll about the creation of an Europe server
The possibility to block megaphone shouts until the end of the free megaphone thing
A FP bonus when you just created your character (idea based on the comment of Bob Dickey, thanks to him)

