
YRYM HT butcher wrapping paper is safe for smoking meat

With the holiday season I find myself doing a lot of baking and crafts with the kids and I find myself using this butcher wrapping paper for both. I find the printed grid especially helpfully for holiday cookie cookies and making shapes in clay. This parchment also aids in clean up around the kitchen and with crafts by protecting your cookie sheets etc. . Reynolds kitchens genuine butcher wrapping paper is the best butcher wrapping paper I have ever used. I have Used several brands over the years and have found this to be the most reliable. Now I know longer need to grease my cookie sheets instead I lined them and find clean up easy and fast. This butcher wrapping paper is oven safe and nonstick and it holds true to its word. Those sticky messes I had with foil are a thing of the past. An added feature is the fact of grid lines so that you can cut it to the size you need instead of wasting it. My cookies and biscuits come out Chris instead of soggy just in time for the holidays.

Butcher wrapping paper is absolutely wonderful! It can be cut to fit into the bottom of cake pans, resulting in no difficulty removing a baked layer from the pan. I also use it to line cookie sheets: voila! No sticky messes on the cookie sheet.   Another use, when I don't have enough racks for cooling baked cookies, is to lay butcher wrapping paper on the counter, and place the just baked cookies onto the butcher wrapping paper, which does not leave a waxy residue on the counter as often happens with waxed paper.

 For baking brownies and other "bar" cookies, cut the butcher paper roll longer than the baking pan, and you will have "handles" on each end of your pan, allowing you to remove the entire batch of brownies or cookie bars from the pan for cooling. I recently found out the benefits of cooking with butcher wrapping paper vs aluminum foil. I love baking my meats and veggies on butcher wrapping paper vs aluminum foil because it clean up nicely and it doesn't stick to my food. It also doesn't tear easily like Aluminum foil does when trying to get my food off the pan. YRYM HT butcher wrapping paper is the BEST EVER!! I didn't even know things like this exist. I'm so glad I found out about this. I had already made plans to try this product on Thanksgiving and if I could I would give the product 6 stars. I baked 3 batch of cookies and 2 pie crust. It came out "just perfect". I would always bake and be very upset when some of my baking sticks to the pan. This butcher wrapping paper have saved my life and I even received compliments on my baking. I would definitely be recommending this to the rest of my family and friends. Those that were there helping me cook for Thanksgiving have already bought it. My mom and I are now a bigger fan of Reynolds...lol.

I have used butcher wrapping paper for several years, and this is the bomb. If you had used parchment in the past, you know that you had to measure, cut to a straight line and then weigh down the corners so the paper wouldn't move while you placed your baked goods on it. Now it has lines to use to make sure all is straight, it shows you where to place the cookies so they are evenly distributed, no need for extra spray and cleanup is a breeze. Where was this before? If you bake you need to use YRYM HT butcher wrapping paper, it is the Cat's Meow.