
DFO PvP play guide

I would like to know, are you detecting/investigating these hacks etc seperate from xigncode3? Several people including myself have expressed their concerns for false positives with this program with (as far as I can tell) no response.  I'm concerned about this too. I haven't gotten any warning pings from DFO Gold xigncode, but my roommate has and he wasn't doinWe both got banned back in the Nexon days while leveling very lightly twinked alts in an appropriatly leveled dungeon.

I'm almost positive that the thing it is hitting on is a default driver/key mapper for a controller I use on other games, It seems to work, but I legitimately have to uninstall it every time I want to play DFO.

 I saw someone in PvP with a +10 vulcan set, legendary accessories and +12 pink zan. lv. 70. If that aint a gold buyer i dont know what is haha

Its a shame that they buy gold from 3rd party sources, which in turn hurts the game. when they could just wait until cheap DFO Gold the Cera shop and give necessary profit to the game and its developers ;I

