
passive skills used for barbarian


If you stack vitality, this passive is just overpowered. And you need to have a lot of vitality if you want to survive in Inferno, I will explain more about gearing and choosing stats later, but suffice to say that 40k HP is the absolute minimum. And if you have above 40,000 hp diablo 3 gold, this passive is so worth it (you will probably end up having even more HP in later acts in inferno, maybe something around 50-60k).

Works very well with Nerves of Steel. I would say that picking NOS with Tough as Nails is just essential for inferno. You will have a lot of armor, vitality and strength as barbarian (if you are gearing correctly) and both those passives benefit in some way from the following stats. 25% boost to thorns works well if you have a lot of gear with “meele attackers take X damage per hit” stat. But that stat is not so good, and we are mainly picking this passive because of 25% increased armor which needs Diablo 3 items buy. Though overall, you should avoid thorns on items if you have an option to pick items with other stats like + All Resistances.

My personal favourite. Imagine that you are struggling to survive in inferno,  your screen stats to glow with red and you panic. What do you do? You smash your Ignore Pain button. You still die? Well, now you have additional 50% damage reduction which provides you with total of 82.5% buy Diablo 3 gold(1-(1-0,5)*(1-0,65)=0,825=82,5%) damage reduction for OH FUCK situations. If you have Revenge skill with Provocation rune, along with Relentless passive and Ignore Pain up, you are simply immortal. You will be on low health A LOT of times in inferno, and this passive will save your life countless times. You will find out the hard way, and mark my words - you will get to love this passive as well as I did.

Another thing that is worth noting about Relentless is its another passive effect where to sell diablo 3 account - you can now endlessly spam all abilities that cost fury (so if you took Seismic Slam for example, mobs won't be able to even come near you).

