
go back to FFXIV play

However, looking back I don't think it's that different than watching them at the inn.

My first time through I watched every cut-scene, I was locked out of every fight, there really are too many/too long scenes in this. I basically got back to back scenes through the whole run. As far as seeing the team included in the scenes it is not that big a deal, the story itself does not really acknowledge anyone with you, it pretends that you did this solo to buy cheap FFXIV Gil.

I actually recommend to watch one scene, skip the rest, then run again and watch the next scene. You gain tomes anyways so you want to run it multiple times. Find a friendly FC, they will wait for you or go around do a party finder. Hello, i would consider myself as a noob but i'm willing to learn more about this game and MMO in general.
I always screw up in duties (Duty finder) such as the dragon that heals itself from a pool of poison, just wondering if anyone can tutor me in this game! XD
(By the way what does "ig", nfc and "gg"<-I guess it's not good game :\)

