
FFVIII was my first

 For me, FFVIII was my first. A friend said to me "I know a character you'd like" and she should me Irvine (And she was right). But I watched her play to that point and I had to play it myself.
I fell in love with the series from there, it brought me and my friends closer, we had something amazing in common. And 20 years on, we’re still great friends and are excited for XV.

Final Fantasy has helped me not just bond with friends, but escape from my depression and they’ve made me feel better about some of my issues and has always given me a sense of achievement. They’ve introduced me to Roleplaying, and has inspired me to write characters of my own. My favourite game is FFVII, for me it had everything. Buy FFXIV Gil There was just so much side stuff to do and I loved the Gold Saucer The snowboarding game even got my Grandparents interested and we’d take turns playing it.

 Just saying my favourite moment will be the first time i hit the world map on 7! The music was amazing. Since then the battles on relm re born are pretty amazing! 29th can't come quick enough. Happy Friday! Join us on Monday, November 21st at 5:30PM PST/8:30PM as we play A King's Tale Final Fantasy XV! To get you ready for the retro-action, Cheap FFXIV Gil listen to a special track from the OST now!  No this game is amazing! I've played it at the expo and was so happy for it, unfortunately I can't get it bec I have the ultimate edition, so I have to wait for it but trust me amazing game really funny and the music.

How about telling us when we can get ahold of it outside of dealing with Gamestop, eh? There are TONS of us that don't have access to Gamestop/EB, nevermind those of us who flatout refuse to do business with them. Retailer-specific deals and content don't make you look good at all, it makes more and more of your fans dislike and mistrust you. Oh dear.. One of these. Dude, exclusives are exclusives sadly. Just let them do what they gotta do okay..tbh? This is a game outside the game you'll be getting, ff15 will be spectacular alone... You'll have justice monsters five to enjoy tho.🖒

