
Blade and Soul VS FFXIV

I want to thank your team once again for making this possible for my now fiance! It truly has been such a surprise and a blessing that you all helped him do this! We are both eternally grateful!  buy Blade and Soul Gold If there's ever a proposal, do it in front of Yoshi. I almost shed a tear when I realized what was happening. Congratulations you guys! If there's ever a proposal, do it in front of Yoshi. There was also a beautiful proposal on Distant Worlds in Paris this weekend grin emoticon. A proposal on the music of To Zanarkand, and on the big screen "Will you marry me?"

I have to say, I dislike the game. But congrats to the newly engaged couple. Many blessings to you two!!!! Hoping to see them correctly structure in a support role in 4.0. But it's highly unlikely for that to happen. With the raids as they are a "support role" still needs to do damage.

 And that's FFXIV's "thing." If you're looking for a pure buff/debuff class its likely to never happen. I am a programmer and I've had this exact conversation with Enix developers. Blade and Soul Gold I respect their stance on the matter. But I'm tired of uneducated gamers who try to argue that a support role exist in 14.

The fact is 14 can't handle a support role. Because most people hate support role. It seems the hardcore community is for it. But we are a dying breed and the rise for casuals is definite. Started in phase 4 and stopped playing back in September. Don't know If I'll ever return. Not a fan of Alexander. Coil were the days. The support role can be fun. But way too many people try to control you while doing it. Example..having to dps while healing. Congrats to the couple whoever they are. Two nerds together forever. Perfect life. I'm never getting married. It would take too much time away from my games!

