
what RuneScape means to you

Show us what RuneScape means to you and you could be a winner in our RuneScape Journey Competition!

I'm 22 years old and started at 13, and i have 3 active accounts, i grew up with Runescape like many of my friends, starting from touchy 2d graphics to the juggernaut it has become today, i cannot wait for RS3, it's going to make paying 7.00$ a month even more worth it, this has become my only game, thanks Jagex, keep it up! Alternatively, if you're an experienced player with enough 100k in your bank, you can do well in any of the free runescape gold guides the switch to the view that 100K millions rs money.

I have been playing this ever since I was nine lol. Its such a long lasting enjoyable game. Isaac, you needed to be 13, you don't need to be 13 anymore. Back in the day, you had to be 13 to make an account, because all accounts had free chat.

Yeah, but when saw it from my friend all those years ago I didn't wan't to wait 4 years to play it. lol

