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I can't believe people are still whining about EoC. You guys have your 07 servers, so go use them instead of crying. EoC has made the game better than ever and adds more trying instead of click and watch. Honestly the game is moving forward and you people need to either catch up or cut loose. In any case keep up the good work Jagex, love the way the game is going.

Clicking those keys is more than just "pretty lights" They actually give an advantage in a fight if done right. I am a WoW player down to the core and EoC fits me well. It's more than just hitting buttons at random to watch "lights". It's about getting a rotation to down your target as fast as possible while taking the least amount as possible. Hell if it was just about lights I would still love EoC!!!

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"07 servers are better then the EOC... I personally play both, but I find more fun in the 07 runescape, because it brings back all the good times I had on the game. They made the current runescape too easy. No, people don't complain about the 07 servers, they add suggestions, but I've yet to see any complaints. In the old school runescape you actually have to work for your skills and items, whereas on current runescape, there is a lot less work involved. the "bunch of cry babies" is a stereotype that is abused too often, everyone has the freedom to opinion, as suggested by jagex and many free nations. people simply disliked the Evolution of Combat, not because they could not adjust to it, but because they felt their voice into the game was not heard by Jagex. There are some people who liked the EOC update, but only play the 07 servers, It's just a matter of opinion, and one's liking. I'm sure if Rap, or R&B was taken out and Country Music and Rock n Roll was brought up, you'd start complaining because your favorite Music was taken away. In essence, it's the same thing. Believe it or not, everyone complains about something, so if you dislike it, just ignore them, it's as simple as that.

